Breeze Mobile Banking – Better Business Relationships

In recent months, word has spread about a new mobile banking application. Although mobile banking has been around for a while, the solution being offered by Standard Chartered Bank is unique. For one thing, this platform is designed to run currently off the iPhone, which is considered the most innovative mobile phone on the market, and will be rolled out to Apple’s iPad next month. Second, the application has built-in features that have never been introduced anywhere in the world until now. Third, this unique mobile banking option is being offered by one of the most reputable banks on the internet.

Standard Chartered Bank is one such bank that was established on a philosophy of providing products and services based on what customers really want, not what the bank thinks they want. Therefore, anyone looking to invest money into a bank online, Standard Chartered Bank would be an exceptional choice. However, this bank now offers something even better.

Building the customer base is one small part of operating a successful business, one based on trust and integrity. With today’s technology, multiple options exist to help businesses accomplish the goal of better and stronger customer relationships, one being Standard Chartered Bank. The primary difference between this and other banks is that every decision made is from the customer’s perspective. Therefore, the type of assistance is guaranteed to draw more customers in but also keep them.

In addition to entrusting money with the bank, the Breeze mobile banking solution will also provide the opportunity for people to save money. For instance, most banks charge high penalty fees when an account becomes overdrawn or creditors charge fees whenever payments are made late. With the Breeze E-Cheques (E-Checks) feature, the first of its kind in the world, people can log onto the bank’s website using a mobile device, choose a registered payee from a list already authorized, and request the bank to mail a check.

Along with monitoring account activity, with Standard Chartered Breeze, bank customers also have the ability to track and move. With this, people have a convenient but also easy and safe way of looking at financial information in real time. With the iPhone, rather than wait to find a computer, people can simply log onto the bank’s website and within minutes, have full access to their accounts. Now, while numerous features have been built into the Breeze mobile banking platform, one that most people find to be the most important is the added security measure.

These features are just two that Standard Chartered Bank offers on the Chartered Breeze mobile banking platform. This bank has always approached the banking and financial industry different from other banks, which is apparent in the different products and services, but also the innovative features being offered on the Standard Chartered Breeze mobile banking platform.

Without a system such as this, it is common to see customers needing to be paid but with the company owner or authorized person out of town, processing of the check has to wait. For the person or company on the receiving end, this causes financial obstacles, as well as issues of trust with the company paying. As more and more checks are paid late, the customer will take their business elsewhere.

The products and services provided through the Standard Chartered Bank website and the products and services offered through the Chartered Breeze mobile banking platform work hand-in-hand to ensure every customer, whether personal or business, has a seamless experience. Breeze is truly unique by running on Apple’s high-tech devices, offering a high level of convenience, and allowing account holders the ability to interact personally with accounts whenever and wherever wanted.

Become Educated About Breeze Mobile Banking

When Standard Chartered Bank decided to develop a unique mobile banking solution, which would ultimately be named Breeze, they took a very different approach into the design and development. For starters, instead of offering their customers the same features and functionality seen with other mobile banking solutions, a tremendous amount of research was conducted directly with the customers. With this, bank officials were able to capture the essence of what customers wanted to see in a mobile banking application.

Beyond that, officials with Standard Chartered Bank realized that other online and mobile banking solutions simply did not provide the type and degree of security needed to keep information online safe. Obviously, if this bank was going to launch Breeze as a comprehensive solution, it had to be designed for the people and by the people, but the bank needed to put additional or different security measures in place so all personal and financial information would be protected.

Well, changes are already being seen in a new version of Breeze being called Typhoon. Standard Chartered Bank wants to be careful as they move forward with mobile banking, knowing they will continue to provide customers with the functionality and features needed to conduct personal and business banking but they also want to choose the timing for offering new versions carefully.

Additional information is important to understand, helping financial institutions identify the areas in which their system is weak. As an example, the amount of money allotted to IT departments for overall operations includes less than 5% being spent on training for security awareness. Additionally, of companies interviewed, as much as 90% stated the company had some type of computer security incident within the past 12-month period.

Because information such as this is easy to come by, it should be used by all businesses with online presence, especially for financial institutions. If more banks would conduct research and put appropriate security measures in place, incidences of cybercrime would decrease. For the people at Standard Chartered Bank, they wanted to make sure that when their mobile banking application was used on the iPhone, and soon the iPad, customers would have peace of mind knowing their information is protected. The way this was accomplished was to implement a type of second-tier protection.

The second change seen with the newer version of Breeze is that mortgage accounts, investments, and other loans can be viewed. The first version of Breeze was excellent but accountholders were not able to access accounts such as these. Now, the Typhoon version of mobile banking will be more liberal, providing the opportunity for customers to confirm the receipt of payments, changes in interest, current balances, and more.

The new version of Breeze will have another feature, allowing credit cards for paying bills. The first version was relatively flexible in this area but again, some limitations existed that have now been enhanced. The final change seen in the new version of Breeze is that customers can request to have the second, temporary password sent via SMS to the iPhone resent.

Initially, this second PIN was initiated once the bank customer logged into the Standard Chartered Bank website with the standard user name and password. From there, the customer would wait for the SMS to be received, at which time he or she would return to the site, enter the second password, and then have account access. With this change, if a customer were to log off only to remember another task needing to be done, rather than go through the entire process again, a request could be sent via Breeze on the iPhone, at which time the bank’s system would initiate a different temporary PIN. As time passes, more changes will be seen with Breeze, something of which bank customers are excited.

Breeze A Richer Mobile Banking Experience

Today, mobile banking is without doubt the latest and greatest technology, product, and service currently being offered through various financial institutions. However, one bank has actually pioneered features, making this a time for Standard Chartered Bank to shine. This banks version of a mobile banking application is truly unique, one built on a philosophy of providing what bank customers want.

The majority of other banks who have entered the mobile banking market have focused design and development of mobile banking applications on what they think customers want or what they feel the customers should have. Obviously, to build a strong base of loyal customers, banks have to provide products and services that offer real value. When customers see their voices have been heard and opinions listened to, these customers remain extremely loyal.

For any relationship to work between a bank and its customers, a level of trust and respect must exist. These two components are critical to success for both parties. With Standard Chartered Bank, executives and employees alike have taken every necessary step to offer customers solutions to make life easier, which is apparent in the new and revolutionary mobile banking solution known as Breeze.

When looking at mobile banking solutions offered through other banks, it is common to see that features plateau, even though the type of features may be quite different. However, with Breeze, conventional and revolutionary features have been taken to the next level, for the better. As a result, personal and business customers of Standard Chartered Bank enjoy a much richer experience overall, whether using online or Breeze mobile banking services.

A prime example would be in the way that other banks allow customers to view and transfer money using mobile banking. Typically, these two services are very basic and by providing features with limitations, the customers are shorted. For instance, if a Customer wanted to complete a task or transaction other than viewing an account or transferring money, additional applications through the banks website or through the mobile banking medium would have to be opened.

Let us say that a customer with a different bank wanted to look at the balance in a checking account, but also pay a bill, redeem earned points, or even report a lost or stolen credit card. To accomplish this, one application would need to be manipulated for view the account and another application for the second task. From this customers perspective, it does not appear as if the bank cared much about the effort and time involved to manage money online or via mobile banking.

Obviously, this type of process creates tremendous frustration, which often leads to bank disloyalty. At Standard Chartered Bank, the number one goal beyond anything else is to provide every customer with a smooth and professional experience. For this reason, whether managing accounts online or through Breeze mobile banking, tasks and transactions have been simplified but without sacrificing any of the power.

In addition to happy customers remaining loyal, the online services through Standard Chartered Bank and mobile banking services through Breeze provide an opportunity for other people to hear how great this bank and its products/services are through word of mouth.

New Horizons for Breeze Mobile Banking

Today, Breeze, the online and mobile banking application offered through Standard Chartered Bank is providing bank customers with a long list of unique features. People using Breeze find the functionality of this online and mobile banking solution extremely beneficial as is but according to bank officials, additional features will be added. Some enhancements will take place over the next few months, some over the course of the next year, and of course, changes will occur to meet changes in customer demand.

It is important for people to know that Breeze was designed based on direct customer input. Instead of guessing or following trends, bank officials wanted to develop a viable mobile banking application based on what customers wanted. The only way to accomplish that goal was to ask people the features they felt were most beneficial and those that could be eliminated from the design. Based on the in-depth data gathered from research, the IT department of Standard Chartered Bank was able to design the most innovative mobile banking solution on the market today.

We wanted to address some of the changes are already being developed, features that will enhance an already incredible mobile banking solution. For starters, this platform currently runs as an application on Apples iPhone but next month (September 2010), it will also be available on the iPad. Now, as more mobile devices are developed, opportunity for Breeze to be offered as an online and mobile banking solution increases.

Another change coming to Breeze over the next few months is a bill reminder feature. As the name implies, this feature would work in conjunction with due dates for bills paid through Breeze. Therefore, as a scheduled payment nears its due date, notification would be sent to the customers iPhone automatically. Today, people live very busy lives so overlooking payment on a bill happens. This feature would make handling finances easier, reduce risk of being charged penalties for late payments, and even eliminate risk of the customers credit score from being damaged by a late payment.

The market that will be using Breeze will also be expanded. Today, beta testing was completed in Malaysia and Singapore but two countries next on the list are India and Hong Kong. Already, people in these countries are getting exciting at having the same opportunity as initial users to manage bank accounts in a more efficient manner. Once Breeze has infiltrated these two countries, Standard Chartered Bank has a plan in place to launch the application for international markets.

In addition, while Breeze has already established presence on a variety of social medial websites to include three of the top sites,, and, it is anticipated that other like sites will be added. Standard Chartered Bank understands the value of keeping its current and potential customers abreast of changes within the bank specific to online banking, but also the mobile banking solution Breeze.

Finally, a newer version of Breeze is currently being developed by Standard Chartered Bank. Although the official name could change, at this point it is being targeted to launch as “Typhoon.” With this version, a variety of enhanced features would be available. For instance, to use the “Pay my Bill” or eCheque features of Breeze today, registered payees can only be added through the banks website. However, when Typhoon launches, payees could be added directly from the mobile device.

Add Breeze Banking To Your Life

The Breeze from Stan Chart (also known as the Standard Chartered Bank) has created a new generation online banking platform that is making waves all over Singapore where it was developed!

Available in both Singapore and Malaysia the Standard Chartered Breeze will be available in Hong Kong and India very soon. From there it will extend its reach to the rest of the world. Prepare for the Breeze experience to breeze its way into your town or city and into your very life!

If you have always found it boring, frustrating, stressful, annoying or inconvenient to do your banking then you are ready for the Breeze experience to come into your life! Breeze is available to customers of the Standard Chartered Bank as an internet application or if you prefer, as an iPhone app. Do no fret over the details concerning the Breeze as it will be available as an iPad app as of September 2010 which is not far away at all!

Keep in mind that the reason most people use banking services offered online and through mobile devices is convenience. For instance, business owners or executives who travel can gain access to business accounts anytime day or night and from any country or individual accountholders could handle a bank transaction while vacation on a tropical island. This means that every feature associated with the Standard Chartered Breeze platform has been carefully designed to meet the customer’s wish.

Breeze offers you the opportunity to customise the icons to make them suit your preferences. It comes with a handy wish list functions to help you plan for the things you want most to save for. The wish list also offers a rainy day feature that prepares you financially for emergencies that could crop up. It is also in plain language and has an intuitive interface that is as customer friendly as it could be. For example, it has a See, Move and Manage Your Money section that makes keeping track of your money and managing it the easiest thing in the world.

If you have just started banking online recently then the introduction of Breeze will improve your banking experience 100 percent. In fact once you start using Breeze you will never want to go back to banking any other way or with any other financial institution.

It cannot be emphasized enough that Breeze was created with the customers and users in mind. It takes your greatest needs in terms of banking and makes them a reality. You will not have to endure any more frustration when you use Breeze by the Standard Chartered Bank.

Breeze has an intuitive user friendly and user savvy interface as well as providing you with the unique ability to customise the icons as you see fit. What other banking application can say as much? Breeze is the bomb and it will be on the market very soon!