I am an MBA from…”
“I am a Masters In…”
“I am a graduate from…”
What happened to you?
You Are Not Your Education.
Surely you have something unique to offer the world of Banking & Finance.
But I have found that the very thing holding these students and graduates back is simply their beliefs and the meaning that they attach to the current situation.
In Private Equity our job is to see things differently from everybody else.
The investments that I look for right now are companies that do not understand the opportunity that is available to them right now through technological advance.
I mean, never in history have we had access to our own television channel (You Tube), our own distribution network of over 1 billion users (Facebook), the ability to have our message reach everybody’s pockets (Through i phones and Blackberry’s), have access to our own publishing company (Through iPad and Amazon), the ability to set up at virtually zero cost, for 3 people to be able to do the work of 300 people without an office and to have access to a global market with the click of a few buttons and a small budget with google.
And this is meant to be a hard time???
What an opportunity.
As long as businesses continue to do things the old way, there will always be a market for me to see things the other way and thrive.
As long as students and graduates identify themselves as their education, there will always be an opportunity for others to see things the other way and thrive.
Two things and two takeaways for your career.
Students and Graduates that are struggling right now are stuck in old ways and not adjusting to change.
Old thinking students and graduates are using old strategies like get as educated as I can and then apply online for graduate Schemes.
This will lead to the same results as everybody else – bad ones.
Students and Graduates that are struggling right now give the wrong meaning to the tough market.
Circumstances do not dictate what happens to us.
The meaning that we give the circumstances does.
This tough market can be unfortunate or it can be the biggest opportunity ever.
Which meaning you give it, is your choice.
What is the dominant meaning that you give to the current situation?
I put it to you, the meaning you give it will dictate your results.
Some experience the trauma (and something that I would never wish upon anybody) of being raped.
Some take that experience and fall apart.
Others use this as a reason to never allow this to happen to anybody ever again and start a crusade to change the world.
What is the difference?
The meaning you give something.
Why me? v. How Can I Use This?
The meaning you attach to circumstances will dictate your ability to see the opportunity amongst the rough.